Choose from these ...

"Space One" --- very interesting, goes through a few mood changes!

"Fossil" --- A new tune, funny name (not sure why)!

"Beyond" --- Kind of an intro, but sufficient on its own!

"Valleys" --- A Beautiful Trip over a Fantasy Landscape!

"Afrique" --- A kalimba begins this Voyage to Africa!

"Afrikaan" --- Kalimba begins this, but leads to a different place!

"Hootie" --- No, not the Blowfish guy, this is a Neat One!

"Entranced" --- Got that spacey hypnotized feeling?

"You Lied" --- A sad memory of betrayal.

"Shakazoa" --- Travel to an exotic island paradise!

"In Love" --- Romantic Music for the Lucky One!

"Afloat" --- Journey to Inner Space!

"Gaza Strip" --- Political commentary on a sad state of affairs.

"E-space X" --- Another Journey Within! One of my Favorites!

"Evolushun" --- A Dramatic piece indeed!

"Asanti" --- Literally, to your health!

"Etcetera" --- Harp and strings lay the foundation for a tale told by the flute.

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